Thursday, July 31, 2008

Hello THUG Members and on lookers!

Our last meeting at the new location (Duke of Devon -TD tower) drew more than a dozen THUG members -Fantastic! In light of this we will have our next meeting at the same new location with the patio for the August 20th gathering.

I would still like to arrange a little challenge with the other Houdini User Groups -so please before our next meeting in August share with me any thoughts or ideas so I can try to arrange prior to the meeting.

Don't forget that if you want to bring anything to the meetings to show and tell or to discuss with your fellow members -let me know and we will arrange for a computer to be there for you.

Once the cold weather starts again (sorry I hate to mention it but it is inevitable) we can find a place (which I already have) that has a big room and a projection screen that we'll be able to screen on.

That's it for now.

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